Swap Numero Two

Swap number two came from Clio's Handmade Parcel Swap. I had seen the scrabble place mats on pinterest for quite some time and thought this was the perfect opportunity to give them ago.

I think they turned out pretty great and my swap partner Dawn from Candidly Clyde thought so too 

Post A Parcel

I cannot believe that I am only getting around to blogging about the Postal Swaps that I took part in over the Christmas Holidays. There was 3, which included Nia Neve's Post A Parcel Christmas Edition.  For this I was paired with the wonderfully creative Kelly from Little Red Moose and I was blown away by the packaging as well as what was inside.

The first 3 photos are the presents that I sent to Kelly and the last 3 are the presents that Kelly sent to me!! 

Thank you Kelly!!!!!

What Would You Say . . . . .

There’s a lot that the kids need to know. A letter to a person on their first day here. Today over 360,000 babies will be born and you are one of them. Welcome! This is the world. It’s a pretty cool place. There’s lots to see, smell. There’s corn dogs. Uh, I’m getting ahead of myself. There’s just so much to do, singing, dancing, oh and laughing. Laughing is the best. Especially great when you laugh and milk comes out of your nose, but only if you just had milk. Otherwise it’s just gross.

Some days gross things will happen. Some days awesome things will happen. Some days you’ll get ice cream. Some days you won’t. Some days your kite will fly high. Some days it gets stuck in a tree. That’s just how it is here.

There’s plenty of reasons to dance. You just got to look for them. Don’t worry though. You won’t be doing this alone. You’re going to meet lots of people here. Some of them will be really nice and some won’t be. It’s not that they can’t be. It’s just – maybe they’re just having a bad day.

Being a person is hard sometimes. You should give people high fives just for getting out of bed. Oh, high fives! I forgot to explain that. How do I explain this? Um…It’s kind of high fives are like hitting someone who is your friend. Uh, that’s really bad.

Just treat everybody like it’s their birthday even if they don’t deserve it, because we all mess up sometimes. The biggest mess up? Not forgiving each other’s mess ups.

Maybe you’ll be a teacher. Maybe you’ll be President. Maybe you’ll cure every disease ever. You might even see the Grand Canyon, swim in the ocean. Oh this is so, so much. It’s a lot. Try this, take a breath. Isn’t that amazing? It’s called breathing! You’re going to do it a lot. But nobody knows exactly how much. So enjoy it.

Pay attention. Take brain pictures, because amazing things will happen every day. You’re going to do so much. But it’s not about what you do. It’s about who you are.

You? You’re awesome. You were made that way. You were made from love, to be love, to spread love. Love is always louder, no matter what. Even if hate has a bullhorn, love is louder. So let your life be loud. Let’s shout to the world. Things can be better! It’s okay about all the mess ups! Corn dogs rule! Sorry, I just keep bringing that up.

I don’t think I told you this yet. We’re really glad you’re here. We don’t say that enough to each other here because, well, life gets busy.You’re going to be important and you’re going to do a lot and you’re going to smell great. But don’t get too busy.

Remember to let everybody know you’re glad they’re here. You don’t have to remember all of this right now. You’re going to need a pep talk sometimes. And that’s okay.

For now, remember this: You’re awake. You’re awesome. Live like it.

Gotta Love IKEA

You can always count on IKEA for 3 things - Inspiration, a feeling of wanting to have a house of your own and great food at a very cheap price 

Happy Birthday Mum!!

It's that time of the year again when I wish my amazing mum a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 
Love you loads and loads!!!

Welcome to Harry's Tavern

This is my Granda Harry's Bar 'Harry's Tavern' on Grand National Day this year!! My family decided to all get together and have some drinks, food and for some fun put the names of the horses into a hat and see who gets lucky. Chris got to meet my Granda and a few cousins that day!!

I made some fudge for the occasion and it went down a treat!!  

p.s. we never won!!

Don't Burn Your Candle At Both Ends

Location: Whites Tavern
Result: Great night had by both Leanne and I although Whites is definitely not what it used to be or maybe I'm just getting older!!

Thursday Night Club

A few Thursdays ago Lyn, Lyns husband Dave, Louise and I went out for dinner and drinks and a catch up to il Pirata.  We had a great night and as per usual our drinks bill was bigger than a food bill.  During a text conversation the next day the Thursday Night Club was born! Now on the first Thursday of every month we are planning on meeting in a different restaurant/bar for more fun and frolics!!

Next on the list is possibly Yard Bird!

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Can you believe they are remaking this classic?? 

I cannot tell you how many times my sister and I have watched the original!! Looking forward to watching it a Christmas time although I'm not sure on Cameron Diaz as Miss Hannigan!!

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!

We celebrated Chris's birthday at the end of March and what a great little weekend it was.  We stayed in Armoy at Limepark Cotttages; ours was called the Little Pigs House.  It was so quint and romantic and exactly what I wanted for the weekend!!!

The weekend was spent laughing, drinking bubbles and getting the heads blew off us on Portstewart Strand!!

We will definitely be back for another visit to the Little Pigs House before the year is out!!!!

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